- Empowering our communities through digital skills
Our Vision
Our Mission
Digihub Africa also creates spaces where vulnerable members in rural areas can learn and raise awareness concerning their rights. Our beneficiaries include human rights defenders, women victims of abuse, teenagers and minority groups, such as LGBTQ+.
Our Values
Collaboration: We engage communities and partners to create permanent change.
Accountability: to the community, our constituents and each other.
Boldness/innovation/creativity: We break down barriers and seek gender inclusion in the community we serve. Justice: We fight barriers to justice and fairness.
What we do
At Digihub Africa, we work at:
– Creating digital spaces directly in affected communities where abused women, children, and other marginalized groups can access resources, get support and raise their voices.
– Team up with other organizations to expand our beneficiaries’ access to additional resources such as skills development programs and mental health support.
– Hub is “your home away from home“. The unemployed may use the facilities to apply for jobs or enrol in short courses programs offered at the hub or through our partners.
Driving the changes
It has become evident that digital skills training programs are a powerful tool for empowerment. Equipping our beneficiaries with the necessary digital skills will enable them to navigate the digital landscape, seize opportunities, and drive change in their communities.
At our hubs, women, the youth and other vulnerable minority groups can access various educational and healthcare resources and new online opportunities. Basic coding, web development, or digital marketing skills, for example, would open doors into the global market by increasing their employability or readiness to engage in entrepreneurship. All this will contribute to boosting local economies
Digital literacy can also empower them with essential skills to critically evaluate online information, navigate online platforms more responsibly and a Greater participation in decision-making process in their communities.
The world at large and especially the African continent, there is a stigma around the minority communities being such as LGBTQIA+. We aim for the hub to be a home away from home where anyone of any gender and preference can come through and be able to do access the services offered by the hubs or link up with other organizations partners. It will be a free and safe space whereby they do not have to worry about any physical or verbal attacks and the members and community at large will be educated more about the LGBTQIA+ community.
DigiHub Africa also believes that empowering our communities with digital skills will permit them to be change agents in society. With the ability to leverage technology, they will be able to raise awareness about critical issues affecting our society, advocate for positive change, and amplify their voice on various platforms.
Very often, vulnerable and abused women do not have resources for help. Our digital hubs link them to counsellors and therapists, who would not be accessible in ordinary circumstances. We arrange assistance through lives online sessions with counsellors or link them with other NGOs partners that assist women with mental health, confidence, skills development, and other help they may require. All this done through our digital hubs. The hubs are the epicentres of access to all this information because they are not only attaining internet access and ICT skills but also empowering themselves in the process.
Digihub Africa also acknowledges that digital rights are human rights that must be protected in this digital age. That is why one of our main objectives in the continent is to ensure that everyone, especially women, the youth and affected minority groups, are aware of their digital rights. For this purpose, Digital Hub Africa consider working with various partners, including civil societies, in campaigns on digital rights awareness
Our partners
-Women to help bridge the equality gap because women are responsible for educating, feeding their families, and transforming their communities. Digihub Africa advocates for gender equity at all levels in our communities.
– Community-Based Organisations: Digihub Africa seeks partnerships with these organizations to achieve collective impact. Relationships with these organizations are formed and forged through research and referrals.
– Governments: They enact legislation, policies, and regulations and are responsible for doing what is right for all citizens. Digihub Africa engages, consults, and advises them on Digital inclusion for all community members, especially the most vulnerable ones.